
学科社会学科 ゼミ教員名JENNIFER MARY MCGUIRE 年度2021年度
タイトルJapan’s Recurrent Education in the 100-year life: A qualitative interview study of working adult students in Graduate Business University
内容 One of the biggest challenges in Japan is to promote economic growth in a rapidly aging society. Given the declining labor force and productivity, some argue that it is indispensable to improve the quality of human resources through recurrent education. To adapt the longevity called “100-year life,” people are required to create many choices about how they structure our life by cultivating various skills. Although some policies are implemented by the Japanese government to enhance relearning, there are still only a small group of people who enroll in graduate universities and Japan’s recurrent education lags behind the rest of the world. This research aims to investigate the beneficial effects of recurrent education on one’s career view by interviewing 10 non-traditional students who have experienced relearning in a graduate university of business administration. Reasons for applying to graduate universities and age groups was found to strongly impact the effects of recurrent education. According to respondents, the significance of relearning in a graduate university rather than utilizing online curriculum and other seminars is the intimacy with professors and other students. This paper introduces two political implications: the concept of “Reskilling” and subsidies to SMEs as potential measures for encouraging working adults to relearn in Japan.
講評 本年度は11本(英語5本、日本語6本)の卒論が執筆された。しっかりした内容で書かれたものと未熟なものの差が目立った。差が生じた原因として考えられるのは、3回生のとき作成した企画書を研究スケジュール通りに順調に進めた学生と先延ばしにされてしまって、なかなか上手に進められなかった学生の違いである。

卒論の質の差があるにかかわらず、どの論文も人類学的なまたは社会学的なアプローチと理論の理解については、ある程度のレベルが見えた。今年度の研究テーマは①Japan’s recurrent education (日本におけるリカレント教育) ②「早生まれ」と性格形成 ③ SNSとナショナルアイデンティティの揺らぎ ④ ライフステージと趣味への影響 ⑤ Single parent homes and juvenile delinquency (ひとり親家族と少年非行) ⑥ Homelessness in Japan (日本におけるホームレス問題の現状) ⑦ 在日中国人学生の自国友人関係 ⑧ Impressions of Japan by returnees (帰国子女による日本への印象) ⑨ Japanese subculture experiences among Chinese exchange students (中国人留学生における日本のサブカルチャー経験) ⑩ 「日本人」の捉え方 ⑪ 女子大学生のライフコース及びキャリアプランと就職活動である。


キーワード1 Recurrent Education
キーワード2 100-year life
キーワード3 “Graduate Business University”